Reselling Your Metaverse Domains with Namezage

Namezage has made the reselling experience of Metaverse domains simple and easy for anyone. If you own Metaverse domains and are willing to resell, this guide will help you figure out the steps.

How to Become a Metaverse Domain Reseller?

First, you must own a metaverse domain/domains in your Namezage wallet. This can be either a metaverse domain you purchased from Namezage or a transferred domain that is currently in your Namezage wallet.

If you already have a Metaverse domain from another registrar, you can transfer it to your Namezage wallet for a better reselling experience with the opportunity to reach millions of potential buyers.

How to Start Reselling?

Now you are ready to list your Metaverse domain/domains for reselling. To start, log into your Namezage wallet and select the “My Domains” section in the sidebar.


After selecting “My Domains” you will be directed to the domain list that you have in your Namezage wallet.

In the right corner of each domain, you can see the reselling status. You have to click on the “Resell” button from there.

Then you can set the reselling price for your metaverse domain.

The Two Methods of Reselling

After setting up the reselling price for your metaverse domain, you have to select your preferred reselling method.


01. Without Adding to Namezage Marketplace

In this option, your metaverse domain with reselling price will appear for Namezage users in their domain search.

There is a higher conversion rate in this method as the domain only appears for the users who searched for it.

02. With Adding to the Namezage Marketplace

Using the marketplace is the best reselling method for your metaverse domains. It provides you the opportunity to reach millions of potential buyers actively searching for metaverse domains.

Namezage will charge a 20% commission for selling MVDs through our marketplace. This fee will be charged from the resold price of your metaverse domain. Other than that, you will not be charged for listing your MVDs in the Namezage marketplace.

Updating Reselling Status and Prices

To update reselling status, you have to go through the “Reselling Domains” section in your wallet sidebar. There you can see all the metaverse domains you have listed for reselling.


The "Resell option" shows you the method you are reselling your domain; only in domain search results or by adding to the marketplace.

You can use the “Resell Update” button in the right corner of each domain to do changes. Through this option, you can

  • Change the reselling price,
  • Change the reselling method,
  • Or unlist your domain from reselling.

How to Withdraw Your Credits?

If you have successfully sold a metaverse domain, you can withdraw your credit from Namezage. However, you should have a minimum threshold of $100 to withdraw.

If you have $100 or more, you can go to the withdraw section in your Namezage wallet. You can withdraw your money via Paypal or using your Cryptocurrency wallet. You can visit our Namezage credit withdrawal guide for additional information.